New to Search Engine Optimisation? Are you looking for better rankings online and higher traffic to your website through the search engine result pages? Well, look no further than this SEO for dummies guide. Keep reading for more. First off, what exactly is SEO? Play...
Search Engine Optimisation
How SEO and AdWords Work Together
by Ravi | Aug 25, 2021 | Google Ads, Search Engine Optimisation
When looking for the best way to spend your time and money in digital marketing, some critical differences should be considered, including the one between SEO and PPC.
The SEO vs SEM Conundrum Solved
by Ravi | Jul 22, 2021 | Search Engine Optimisation
There’s enough lingo in the digital marketing industry to confuse even experts. But one of the trickiest ones is SEO vs SEM. A lot of businesses believe that these two terms mean the same thing. That’s not too far off from the truth. But it’s not entirely true either....
What SEO Content Strategy Works in 2025
by Ravi | Jul 19, 2021 | Search Engine Optimisation
A winning SEO content strategy in 2025 is tough as nails. But it’s almost guaranteed to generate traffic. Also, better rankings. Sometimes, even without building a single link. Google has time and again, emphasised that content is king. It is now one of the top ten ranking factors. So, everyone knows that content can improve SEO. But how many know the right strategy?
7 Best Ways to Improve SEO for Mobile
by Ravi | Jun 29, 2021 | Search Engine Optimisation
Every website should be designed to be mobile-first and there is a good reason why. Mobile device usage has skyrocketed and more than 70% of consumers now shop on mobile devices. If your website is not optimised for mobile devices, there is a high chance you will lose customers. Mobile SEO ensures that the website looks great and also functions properly on mobile devices. Another reason why SEO for mobile is important is that Google’s crawlers read the mobile site first.
The Complete SEO Guide for Beginners
by Ravi | Jun 5, 2021 | Search Engine Optimisation
It’s been a while since we’ve come across a comprehensive SEO guide for beginners. This is one of the most requested blog posts by our readers. Even a few of our clients have asked us to compile a detailed SEO guide. What makes this so challenging is SEO’s constantly...