The Complete SEO Guide for Beginners

The Complete SEO Guide for Beginners

It’s been a while since we’ve come across a comprehensive SEO guide for beginners. This is one of the most requested blog posts by our readers. Even a few of our clients have asked us to compile a detailed SEO guide. What makes this so challenging is SEO’s constantly...
Creating SEO Content That Ranks

Creating SEO Content That Ranks

There are so many theories about creating SEO content that ranks. Someone who’s new to SEO and content marketing is bound to get lost. Some experts opine that you should write purely for search engine rankings. But your readers are human, aren’t they? If you don’t...
7 Google Ads Extensions For The Best ROAS

7 Google Ads Extensions For The Best ROAS

Google Ads extensions are a foolproof way to make your ads look bigger. Bigger ads are more visible. That increases the likelihood of a visitor clicking it, over your competitor’s ad. But, extensions come with a steep learning curve. To be honest, any paid advertising...
The Complete Guide to Facebook Ads

The Complete Guide to Facebook Ads

Just the other day, we received a request from a reader to compile a complete guide to Facebook ads. This is not the first time that we’ve received a request like this. Lots of small businesses want to know how to use the Facebook marketplace, and rightly so. It is...