Facebook Ad Account Access – How Do I Grant It In 2025?

facebook ad account access
Ravi Davda Rockstar Marketing CEO

Written by Ravi

Oct 3, 2020

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You’ve realised that Facebook Ads have become vital for many businesses around the world, including yours. Maybe you’ve started running Ads yourself, and want some help. Or maybe you’re looking to outsource the running of Facebook Ads to a freelancer or a marketing agency. Either way, we know your pain. Although it should be easy, granting access to your Facebook Ad account isn’t as simple as it sounds. There are multiple ways to grant access and also various levels of access. It’s important that you choose the right one. In this article, we’ll cover “How do I grant access to my Facebook Ad account?” so you’re better informed, whatever the reason you want to grant access.

But before that, let’s give you some background around Facebook Ads…

What Are Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads are an important advertising solution for every level of business experience. That’s right. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or have been in business for years. Facebook Ads can help you connect with your customers at a fraction of the cost, compared to other forms of marketing.

And, customers love businesses that like to be social. You don’t have to be an expert, web designer, or computer coder to get started. Facebook makes it easier than ever to run advertising campaigns and track your performance along the way.

grant facebook ad account access

Working With Others On Facebook Ads

You might be going into business for yourself. You might not be. Either way, it’s important that you don’t have to do everything alone. In fact, it would be entirely impossible to accomplish success on your own. No man is an island! You’ve likely heard that saying before, and it can be applied to businesses as well.

And that’s why you’re here. You’ve realised that you’d like some help with Facebook Ads. This is the reason why you’re looking to grant access to your Facebook Ad account.

The process can be difficult to understand at first, as there are many options to choose from. However, like anything in life, once you’ve understood it, it does get easier. And we put this article on “How do I grant access to my Facebook Ad account” together to make your life easier.

So, let’s get started.

How Do I Grant Access To My Facebook Ad Account?

In order to grant access to your Facebook Ad account, start by logging into your account (obviously!).

From here, you’re going to locate and click on the gear icon. This should be located right in the upper right-hand corner of the page. This should take you to your settings page.

request facebook ad account access

Once on this page, you’ll see the main menu over to the left. You’ll have options like Ad accounts, Pages, Payment Settings, and Notifications. By default, you should already be in the Ad accounts section, and this is exactly where you’ll need to be. If not, click the Ad accounts section.

Now, look to the right of the screen and you should see a button that says “Add people.” Click this. After clicking on the button, you’ll get a pop up with several more options, drop-down boxes, and menus.

This is where you’re going to enter the individual’s Facebook name that you are trying to add. Note: this method does require that you’re a friend on Facebook with this individual. This method is more useful if it’s someone you know personally helping you out. If it’s a freelancer or an agency and you’re not friends (or don’t want to ever be friends), there’s another way that doesn’t require you being friends with them. We’ll go more into this below.

If they do not have a Facebook account, they’ll have to create one. It’s the only way they’ll be allowed access, but given the popularity and reach of Facebook, it’s likely that the person you’re adding already has an account.

Choosing Levels Of Access

If you’re thinking of exiting this article on “How do I grant access to my Facebook Ad account?” you need to know that you’re not done just yet.

You’ve made it to the point where you entered in your friend’s Facebook name. Next, you’ll have to decide what level of access you want to grant the individual. You can do this by clicking on the drop-down box to the right of the area where you entered the name. Once done, you’ll notice that you have several options to choose from. These options would be Ad account analyst, Ad account advertiser, and Ad account admin.

Adding an individual and granting them different levels of access will allow them to perform different duties and tasks within your Ad account. Some levels have restrictions whereas others might grant access to different areas. Whatever the situation, you have to know what each level offers.

Keep reading to learn more…

facebook ad account access granting

Ad Account Analyst

When you add someone as an Ad account analyst, you’re basically giving them read-only access only. This means that they’ll only be able to see what’s going on within the account. They won’t be able to do anything such as create Ads or make any changes within the actual Ads.

This is the best option for viewing or auditing. Maybe someone just wants to check out your account to see how you are running things.

Ad Account Advertiser

If you’re bringing someone on for consulting purposes or need help running your Ad campaigns, this will be the level of access you want to grant. As an Ad account advertiser, the individual will be able to make changes to your current campaigns or add new campaigns.

However, there will still be some limitations and restrictions. One of these will be that they will not have to power to add or remove other users. Additionally, they won’t be able to view your financial information. This is important because it’ll ensure that you still stay in charge of your account. This is the most common option, especially because the individual will not be able to remove you from the account!

Ad Account Admin

Now, an Ad account admin, as you’ve likely guessed, will have unlimited access. This means that they’ll literally be able to do everything that you can do within the account. This is the type of access that you would grant to a business partner or someone that you trust.

Obviously, you don’t want to give just anyone access as an Ad account admin.

Continuing With The Adding

After entering the name of the person and choosing the level of access, click on confirm. This will send an e-mail to the chosen individual’s account notifying them that you’re granting them access. There will also be a link included in the e-mail that says “View settings.” This link will take the individual directly into your account, where they’ll either be able to view or make changes, depending on the level of access they’ve been given.

You now no longer have to wonder “how do I grant access to my Facebook Ad account?” because we’ve outlined it step-by-step in this article.


This is not to only way for someone to gain access. Yes, we did mention above that it was more complicated than it should be.

What Is The Other Way To Grant Access To My Facebook Ad Account?

The above method, as mentioned, requires that you’re friends on Facebook with the person you’re granting access to. We know what you’re thinking now.

What if I want to give access to someone who isn’t a friend on Facebook? How do I grant access to my Facebook Ad account this way?

Don’t worry, we’ve got this covered. Keep reading…

get facebook ad account access

Even though this method is more time-consuming to set up initially, we prefer it at Rockstar Marketing and this is the method we recommend to our clients. This is because there are other benefits of using this method of granting access. See here for more.

First, you’ll need a Facebook Business Manager account, which you may already have. If not creating one is easy enough. Note: you’ll have to have a personal Facebook account and a Facebook page for your business to do this.

Now, you’ll simply log into your Business Manager Account and click on the settings or gear icon located in the upper left-hand corner. This will take you to the settings page where you’ll see the menus over to the left in a column. You’ll have options including People, Partners, Users, Pages, Ad accounts, Security, Registration, and much more.

Once I Have Facebook Business Manager, How Do I Grant Access To My Facebook Ads Account?

From here, click on “Partners.” Then, click “Add” and then “Give a partner access to your assets.” You will then need to input the business ID of your partner, which is essentially their own Facebook Business Manager Account ID. They can find it under the “Business Info” section on the same page. You cannot continue without knowing this ID. Once done, this business is now officially a partner of yours.

However, we’re not done yet.

Just because you’ve given partner access to your Facebook Business Manager, this doesn’t mean they’re able to see your Facebook Ads account yet. You will now need to click on the “Share Assets” button and decide on the assets you’ll want to share with them.

Assets include Pages, Ad accounts, Pixels, Leads access, and many more. We’re not going to go through these in detail here, because this article is on Facebook Ads account only. Click “Ad accounts”, select your account, and then decide whether you want to give them Standard access or Admin access. Details below:

Standard Access

At the time of writing, there are 3 toggles here. If you only want somewhere to have read-only access, click on the “View performance” option. However, it’s likely you’ll want someone to create and edit Ads too. If this is the case, click the “Manage Campaigns” toggle.

Admin Access

There is only one option here. If you grant admin access, the partner can control ad account settings, finances and permissions. They can also create and edit ads, access reports and view ads. As above, only give this level of access to businesses who you really trust.

You now know how to use Facebook Business Manager to grant access to your Facebook Ad account. Well done!

What If I’m Unable To Give Access To My Facebook Ad Account Using Facebook Business Manager?

We know. The above can be complicated for some people. Don’t stress, and don’t be hard on yourself.

If you’re working with someone who knows their way around Facebook Business Manager well, such as a freelancer or an agency, there is another way to do this to make your life easier. Instead of you granting access to your Facebook Ad account, they can “ask a partner to share their assets” instead. Essentially, this means that they can request access from you, instead of you granting it to them.

All you’ll need to do is approve this, which is a lot easier than figuring out how to grant access yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask them if they’re able to do this.

If they don’t know how, send them this article! It might make more sense to them than it does to you. We’d really appreciate the support!


We hope you’ve enjoyed this article on “How do I grant access to my Facebook Ad account?” We’ve covered a lot. There are two ways to grant access to your Facebook Ad account: granting access to friends or granting access to businesses or “partners” using Facebook Business Manager. Both have varying levels of access, so it’s important to consider each one before you decide the route you’re going to take.

Pro Tip: Even if it’s just you right now in your business, we recommend going down the route of using Facebook Business Manager. This is because this way is tailored towards the growth of your business, and it’s likely you’ll need to set this up at some point if you’re going to continue using Facebook Ads for the future. So… why not just do it now?

If you’re looking for some help with Facebook Ads, book a Discovery Call with Rockstar Marketing. This is a no-obligation call to see if we’re a good fit to work together.


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