Artificial Intelligence In SEO: Where Does It Fit In?

Artificial Intelligence in SEO COVER
Ravi Davda Rockstar Marketing CEO

Written by Ravi

Mar 30, 2022

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Artificial Intelligence in SEO, also known as AI-powered SEO, refers to the use of Artificial Intelligence to perform tasks related to the search engine optimisation of a website or web page to attain better rankings in SERPs (search engine results pages) and gain more organic traffic.

Moreover, AI can very much help with writing content, providing tips for optimisation, as well as keyword research and more. Our focus today is going to be on how AI can be used to perform some aspects of SEO. Stay tuned for more.

First off, what is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

First off, What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

Artificial Intelligence or AI refers to the use of technology that makes decisions and solves problems using machines instead of humans. The first-ever use of AI was in computers, which resulted in the creation of something known as machine learning.

At its core, machine learning refers to an algorithm that learns all by itself to complete a certain task without explicitly being programmed to do so. The most popular uses of artificial intelligence include automated translation, language procession, facial recognition, speech recognition, and more.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in SEO

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in SEO

Before we get into the different aspects of search engine optimisation where AI can shine, let’s first briefly go over what AI can do for your SEO:

1. Fast & effective

Implementing AI in your search engine optimisation can help you to produce quicker and more efficient results. After all, the whole point of AI is the fact that it’s highly automated. And if there is one thing that automation is good at, it has to be eliminating lengthy processes.

Additionally, as we will see later on, AI-powered analytics can be very accurate and up-to-date, which helps to make better-informed decisions.

2. Improved user experience

One of the core aims of search engine optimisation is to provide your audience with an experience that is relevant and useful to them and their ever-changing needs.

Using AI in SEO can help to elevate this experience even further by providing hyper-personalised content, products, and services.

3. Better rankings

If your SEO is done properly, expect your website or web page to rank higher on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs).

And as we will showcase in a moment, AI can greatly help with your SEO efforts. As a result, help you rank higher than you thought possible.

Common uses of Artificial Intelligence in SEO

Keyword research

Keyword research is one of the cornerstones of search engine optimisation. Without it, it’s almost impossible to find new content ideas and opportunities for optimisation.

The use of Artificial Intelligence in this domain is common. For example, BrightEdge, one of the most popular SEO solutions providers, features AI-powered keyword research tools. Their primary tool is Instant. Instant uses AI to identify the most relevant topics to a client as well as the keywords related to them.

AI-powered tools like Instant also allow you to check the performance of keywords based on countries of your choosing. That can be quite helpful.


Things such as how much time users spend on your page can greatly affect page rank. This has spurred the need for personalised content generators that can help to increase traffic to your page as well as the average time spent on the page.

There are certain AI-powered solutions available in the market to address this, most prominently, OneSpot. This program relies on machine learning, natural language processing (NLP) and the web history data of individuals to produce relevant content for each visitor.

Such a brilliant solution allows organisations to create deeper, more meaningful relationships with their consumers, which inevitably increases the amount of time spent on their website as well as the number of website visitors.

Now, this solution and others similar to it are primarily used in e-commerce websites and applications that contain short-form content since they are not as useful as long-form content.

Content creation

Generating high-quality content is yet another crucial factor in assuring search engine optimisation success. Indeed, any online user wants to read content that is relevant to them, worth their time.

Google’s algorithms, for example, consider pages that showcase expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness to their visitors to be of the highest quality.

In the eyes of Google, each type of article requires close-knit attention to certain details to rank, for example:

  • Information(al) content needs to be original, accurate, clearly presented and communicated. It should always reflect expertise
  • Artistic content should be unique and original
  • News content should be accurate, in-depth, and well-cited

Now, you’re probably wondering, how does Artificial Intelligence play into all of this? Well, for starters, it can help you identify authoritative articles on the topic at hand. Additionally, AI can be used to improve the internal linking of pages, as well as help optimise already existing content.

And even though some SEO vendors out there claim that they have AI that can create content from scratch, we still recommend against it. To this very day, nothing beats the human mind when it comes to writing high-quality content.

Artificial Intelligence in SEO: Mobile optimisation

In 2021, mobile devices (excluding tablets) housed 54.4% of all global website traffic. As a result of this, optimising your website for mobile use has become a necessity. Without it, a website is very much at the risk of losing half of its potential organic traffic.

One popular feature that more and more websites are including is Chatbots. This feature relies entirely on Artificial Intelligence to answer enquiries and provide much-needed help for small display users.

Additionally, AI-enabled SEO providers can help you to provide more value to mobile users through mobile-tailored tests and more.

Intelligent tagging

Tags are keywords that you can use to help users easily find bits of information within your content. By tagging items, you help unite them under one group. This, in turn, drastically improves their findability.

Tags can include anything from names, dates, concepts, geographical locations, and more. Artificial Intelligence can help to automatically tag content so that your audience members can easily get what they’re looking for.

A prime example of an AI-powered tool that can do this is Adobe Sensei. Through machine learning, Sensei automatically tags media and text assets with smart keywords related to the subject at hand.

Adobe Sensei

Artificial Intelligence in SEO: Local SEO

Ensuring that your business always ranks high in local search might seem like an easy task, but it isn’t. And not having an accurate local search SEO can be the death of a business that revolves around having a physical shop.

Artificial Intelligence can be a great way of solving such a problem since it is mostly an information-based one. Yext, for instance, is a platform that utilises AI to make sure that any change you implement to your business’ search listings and content is reflected locally across different search engines.

First introduced back in 2011 by Google, voice search was a novelty that users seldom relied upon. However, with the continuous improvements that were made to voice recognition technology over the years, voice search has become a staple of search marketing.

According to Google themselves, 27% of the global online population is using voice search on mobile. That percentage alone ought to give you an idea about the importance of optimising your content for voice search in this day and age.

As a result, every marketer nowadays should have a voice strategy of sorts. It’s very much impossible to have one without understanding how AI works. Indeed, by incorporating AI-based voice search into your search engine optimisation strategy, you open your brand to a whole lot of new opportunities for growth.

Artificial Intelligence in SEO: Content publication time

Assuming your website already has a well-established audience, you need to regularly post new and fresh content so that your audience sticks around. And when it comes to content publication, time is of the essence.

For instance, if you plan on publishing a blog post, it’s more favourable to do it in the afternoon or evening since that’s the time of the day when your audience is most active. Emails, on the other hand, are preferably sent in the morning, sometime between 8 and 11 AM.

And while such time frames usually do the trick, each website has a unique audience, and each audience has its unique times. Determining exactly when your audience is most engaged with your content has never been easier with AI-powered tools.

Linkfluence, for example, is an AI-powered tool that can help you measure your performance and track the success of your campaign in real-time. One of the tool’s many platforms is a cloud-based consumer intelligence one. That platform provides you with high-quality analytics about your audience, which takes us to our next point.



Through Artificial Intelligence, analytics platforms can help businesses to generate automated insights about any anomalies or opportunities within their data. This can help you to identify key actions that you can take in order to improve your search engine optimisation.

Most regular SEO tools can suggest hundreds of different actions that can create little to no added value. However, when AI comes into the mix, you can be suggested just 2 or 3 actions instead. That can significantly improve your website’s stats.

We can make artificial intelligence work for your business

Our SEO experts have great experience with all the latest technologies in this field, including AI. Book a discovery call with us today, and we’ll show you how we can make AI work for your business.

Artificial Intelligence in SEO – FAQs

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