8 Best Email Marketing List Building Strategies

Ravi Davda Rockstar Marketing CEO

Written by Ravi

Jun 25, 2021

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SMM, SEM, and SMO are some buzzwords you often hear in reference to digital marketing. Such trends might convince you that email marketing is no longer relevant. That’s far from the truth. Email marketing might not sound as cool, but it certainly outranks many other popular tools like SMM, PPC advertising, etc when it comes to converting leads with low investment. You do, however, need an email list. Thankfully, you have us for this. Our article on email marketing list building strategies is going to teach you exactly how to do this.

Most people use email for professional purposes and therefore take email advertisement more seriously compared to when they are approached on social media sites. It’s also cost-effective with an ROI of 4400%. Any marketing campaign should definitely include email marketing for better results. Now, building an email list might seem challenging to some, so let’s hear about some email marketing list building strategies used by seasoned professionals. 

Email Marketing List Building Strategies: How To Build From Scratch

Start with a lead magnet

You cannot go from person to person asking for their email addresses. You need to bait them with something so they give away their email addresses out of their free will. A lead magnet represents freebies that draw people to get their emails. It’s an incentive offered to potential customers in exchange for their contact information. 

A lead magnet could be in the form of a trial subscription, e-newsletter, white papers, eBook, video, etc. If it’s really something useful, people will happily share their contact details with you. This is why coming up with a lead magnet is important for email marketing list building.  So think about this: what you can create that your customers will value?

Create a personalised CTA (Call to Action) 

Once you have decided on your lead magnet, you need to create a personalised CTA to encourage relevant targets to act on your bait and share their email addresses. A personalised CTA means that it should offer something related to what the people are already searching for. 

A personalised CTA will not be annoying to your potential customers, plus there is a greater chance they would respond to it since they are already interested in your content or your product. So if you create a post about let’s say Keto diet, then the CTA should be relevant to those trying to lose weight.

8 Best Email Marketing List Building Strategies

Use a timed pop-up 

A lot of people are against popups as these may appear distracting and annoying to users. Well, a popup only bothers people if it’s unrelated and forced upon them as soon as they open a page. To avoid this, you can use a timed popup that only appears after the visitor has spent some time on your website. 

Give them enough time to consume the content on your website. Let them feel the value they could get from you. A pop-up would then be more effective. They would feel like it’s a fair trade-off as opposed to if the first thing they see on your site is a request to register email. 

Your popup must appear right when the viewers have begun to appreciate the content on your website. Also, one of the best practices is to make the pop-up box smaller in size so it doesn’t cover the entire screen. It shouldn’t appear imposing, just a request to share email if they want some sort of additional benefits or freebies from you. This is one of the best email marketing list building strategies that you can implement.

Use great wording for your CTA

What you say to your viewers while offering your freebies is significant. It could be the difference between a yes or a no. You are offering an incentive; let people know its value. If you are offering an e-book on financial independence, you can create two buttons one saying “Yes, I am interested in making more money”, while the other button saying “No, I want to stay poor”. 

This will send a clear message about what you are offering in exchange for their emails. Also, try to learn what kinds of words give you better results: ‘download’ or ‘subscribe’. Switching between different words would help you improve the performance of your CTA.

Where to include your CTA?

You can’t expect results if you place your free offers somewhere not easily noticeable. But you can’t allow it to hide your main content or be too distracting either. So, where should you include your CTA that will draw attention but not annoy your viewers?

Those who have had success with email marketing reveal some of the best places to include CTA. Email signup forms look quite good on the sidebar. Another excellent place is the top bar of your landing page, which is where viewers would not easily miss your CTA. 

If you really don’t want them to miss your CTA, a timed popup or an exit pop-up would be a good option. Your pop-up could appear a few moments after your site loads, or immediately when a person tries to close your website. In fact, you can get impressive results if you time it right. 

Include a CTA in your Social Media Bios

Getting the emails of those who are even slightly interested in your business is the best way to convert potential leads. It’s best to put maximum effort into drawing those customers that show interest in your content. 

If you have been promoting your brand on a social media platform, do make sure to leave a signup form in the bios. Sometimes, people do like what you share and want to subscribe to your newsletter or other offerings. CTA works quite well on social media pages.

That’s also a great way to draw your audience from social networks like YouTube and Instagram to your email marketing list. Why miss out on those who already follow you on a social platform!

Include a CTA in your Social Media Bios

Use Quizzes to build an email list

Quizzes tend to be fun for your audience. You can try to incorporate it in your sale, for instance, a weight loss coach can create a quiz about ‘Find out your ideal body weight’ or something like that. This will help you get genuine leads for your business. 

Make sure that the quiz has an interesting title. It should sound inviting and relevant to what your audience is already looking for. Quizzes do not annoy viewers on your website. These might take some time for you to build, but if you can come up with something fun; it can give a huge boost to your email list.  


The main job of segmentation is for the personalisation tactic when you send emails to your subscribers. Instead of storing all email addresses together, you want to segment the email list based on the user’s location, interests, purchase history, and so on. 

You want to distinguish your email marketing list so you can cater specifically to buyers with different interests. The conversion rate of your hot leads will increase when your emails are more personalised for the target audience rather than following a generic format for the entire contact list. 

If you don’t put your effort into the segmentation of your email list, most of your subscribers would simply trash those emails instead of taking them seriously. Some key points to remember for segmentation are:

  • Demographics
  • A survey or Quiz results
  • Email engagement
  • Geographic area
  • Amount spent
  • Purchase history
  • Personal interest
  • Position in the sales funnel


The best email marketing list building strategies focus on something of value that you can offer to your potential customers. In exchange for freebies, most people willingly share their emails with you. It could be anything that you can share digitally like an e-newsletter, e-book, membership trial, video, etc.

A lead magnet draws your audience and makes them eager to share their emails with you. There are a number of things to remember when positioning or putting these free offers out there.

Once you realise the best approach to sharing these freebies or lead magnets with your viewers, you will realise how easy it is to collect emails while not having to put in much effort. You only have to know the best email marketing list building strategies, the rest of the work is not yours. You can sit back and watch your list grow! Contact our email marketing agency in the UK for help on how to do this.


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