Realising how to find your ideal prospects has become a key part of almost every marketing campaign out there. If you happen to be a Business to Business (B2B) or Software as a Service (SaaS) company that is looking for new customers, chances are you would find most...
LinkedIn Ads
Paid Advertising: Why You Need It And How To Nail It
by Ravi | Oct 9, 2021 | Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads
Numerous world-renown platforms are offering paid advertising based on the data they collect on a regular basis. From the established Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn to the newcomers such as TikTok, the choices are endless. All of these platforms have realised the...
LinkedIn Pixel: What Is It And How to Use It
by Ravi | Sep 3, 2021 | LinkedIn Ads
LinkedIn is not just a website where you get to show off your professional headshot or business banner. It’s also the home of 722 million users – an audience that’s up for targeting with the help of LinkedIn advertising. Part of this involves setting up your LinkedIn...
LinkedIn Ads Not Getting Impressions? Here’s Why It’s Happening and How to Stop It!
by Ravi | Aug 28, 2021 | LinkedIn Ads
The problem with LinkedIn is that you might find that your ads aren’t getting the love they deserve.
If that’s the case for you and your LinkedIn ads are not getting impressions, we’ll show you the six most common mistakes that people commit when advertising on LinkedIn.
The 6 Step Guide For Remarketing LinkedIn Ads
by Ravi | Aug 11, 2021 | LinkedIn Ads
Remarketing Linkedin ads is not a choice. It’s a necessity. Without remarketing, you are leaking your ad budget. You are gathering leads that can disappear without a trace. Let us explain. The average conversion rate for a landing page is 6.1 %. This means, that only...
Linkedin Ads Vs Facebook Ads – What’s Better?
by Ravi | Aug 4, 2021 | Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads
As a business, which one of these two ad platforms should you use and why? Today we are going to pit them against each other. We are going to show you the exact situations in which you should pick one of these two. Also, we will show you some pros and cons of each one. So stay tuned.